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3 benefits of establishing your company under the Free Trade Zone Regime

Every strategic decision counts when it comes to leading a successful company. From the choice of target market to the operational infrastructure, each step can significantly influence the long-term success of a company.

Among the various options available to entrepreneurs, the Free Trade Zone Regime stands out as an exceptional opportunity for business growth and expansion.

Therefore, today we will explore three key benefits offered by this regime and highlight the importance of having the right legal advice when establishing your company under this legal framework.

3 advantages of Free Trade Zones

Fiscal and Customs Incentives

One of the main attractions of establishing a company under the Free Trade Zone regime are the tax and customs benefits offered.

Companies operating within Costa Rica's Free Trade Zones can enjoy tax exemptions on profits generated by their export operations, as well as exemption from import taxes on raw materials, equipment and machinery necessary for their production.

These incentives provide a favorable tax environment that can significantly increase a company's profitability and improve its competitiveness in the global market.

Infrastructure and Quality Services

Infrastructure and Quality Services

Another important benefit of establishing a company in a Free Trade Zone is access to high-quality infrastructure and specialized services.

Free Trade Zones typically feature modern facilities, well-equipped industrial parks and a wide range of services, including security, transportation, telecommunications and logistic support.

This world-class infrastructure provides companies with an optimal operating environment to maximize efficiency and productivity, which can be critical to the long-term success of any business.

Export Facilitation and Access to International Markets

Establishing a company under the Free Trade Zone regime can also greatly facilitate the export process and improve access to international markets.

Companies located in Free Trade Zones can benefit from simplified customs procedures, which reduces processing times and costs associated with foreign trade.

In addition, by being within a Free Trade Zone, companies can take advantage of the networks and trade associations that develop within these areas, which can open up new business opportunities and effectively expand their global reach.

Importance of Legal Counseling to establish a successful business in Costa Rica

Importance of Legal Counseling to establish a successful business in Costa Rica

While the benefits of the Free Trade Zone regime are undeniable, it is crucial to have the right legal advice during the process of establishing and operating your company under this legal framework.

Our lawyers specialized in commercial law and Free Trade Zones can provide expert guidance on legal and regulatory requirements, assist in the proper structuring of the company and ensure that all relevant legal obligations are met.

In addition, having legal advice can help avoid potential legal problems and ensure a smooth operation of the company within the Free Trade Zone regime.

In summary, establishing your company under the Free Trade Zone regime in Costa Rica can offer a number of significant benefits, from tax incentives to access to quality infrastructure and export facilitation.

However, to take full advantage of these benefits, it is essential to seek guidance from legal professionals with experience in this field. With the right legal advice, you can establish and operate your business efficiently and safely within the Free Trade Zone framework, laying the foundation for successful long-term business growth.

Contact us, at Acacia Legal we will be pleased to advise you.

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